H2O - Water Village
IF IdeasForward International Competition of Ideas
Team with: Diana Savković
With a law forbidding the use of fossil fuels, cargo ships become inadequate and are left to wander the oceans. Sea level rising, forces a mass of people into building floatable homes and seeking communities all over the globe. Some of them were lucky enough to stumble upon one of reconstructed cargo ships, offering a small self-sufficient infrastructure for ther habitants. Modular units are welcome to attach via platform and connect to its grid until it meets its capacities. Every unit si being lifted from sea level onto water village with either crane or drone. Not knowing what future will be like, we are predicting two options. On one hand, people are forced in self organising and improvising, on the other people were prepared. On which side will you be?
When it comes to climate change, we are all on the same boat.